


(English version) » History » Version 6

Version 5 (krufter_multiclet, 06/11/2013 04:00 PM) → Version 6/12 (krufter_multiclet, 06/11/2013 04:01 PM)

h1. Examples (brief overview)

Detailed description *MCp0411100101* placed in readme.txt in repository

Examples are placed in folders corresponding to the types of development kits.

After realised new version of multicellular processor folders(HW1_MCP04 и LDM_MCP04) will rename.

h2. Sections:

[[Brief overview architecture ]]

[[Stack ]]

[[Bugs and fix(ASM) ]]

[[Index registers ]]

[[Model [[Overview model ]]

[[Debugger overview ]]

h2. Interfaces:

Overview examples for multicellular processor and operation with peripheral interfaces.
1) [[UART ]]
2) [[I2C_master ]]
3) [[I2C_slave ]]
4) [[SPI ]]
5) [[USB ]]
6) [[Ethernet ]]
7) [[I2S ]]
8) [[GPIO ]]
9) [[Timer ]]
10) [[PWM ]]

h2. News:

New version of assembler and linker available in section "Files".

h2. Images of development kits: